CRDCN call for proposals
CRDCN 2018 National Conference in Hamilton in October: call for proposals is now live
The CRDCN 2018 National conference will be held in Hamilton on October 18 & 19. The Organizing committee is now accepting proposals; the deadline is June 15th.
May 15, 2018
Building an Inclusive, Prosperous and Healthy Canada: What Can We Learn From the Data?
The CRDCN 2018 National conference will be held in Hamilton on October 18&19. The Organizing committee is now accepting proposals; the deadline is June 15. Details and submission online at:
Conference highlights include:
- A special address by Anil Arora, the Chief Statistician of Canada, who will discuss future directions for Statistics Canada, as 2018 marks the agency's 100th anniversary;
- Two keynote addresses by: Matthew Mendelsohn, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Results & Delivery), Government of Canada, and by Nicole Fortin, Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia.
- Workshops on the 17th.
- Travel grants for students who are invited to present at the conference. Details will be posted shortly on the Network’s website.